Entrepreneurship Institute

With great sadness we announce the death of Professor Kiril Todorov, D.Sc.

Thursday, 02 January 2020 8:42

It is with deep sadness that we announce that on December 31, 2019, a great man suddenly left us - Prof. Kiril Todorov, D.Sc., distinguished professor of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE).

Prof. Kiril Todorov was not only a bright scientist and teacher, who laid the foundations of the systematic entrepreneurship education and training in Bulgaria dating back in 1991, but also an example of an academic entrepreneur, who managed to complete a number of initiatives for the development of entrepreneurship education and to achieve nationally and internationally recognized results. Among these the following should be mentioned: the establishment of a Center for Entrepreneurship Development at the UNWE in 1997, which grew into an Institute in 2006; the establishment of the Chair of Entrepreneurship in 2006, with the subsequent launching of bachelor's and master's programs in entrepreneurship and accreditation of the first doctoral program in entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. Prof. Kiril Todorov also had significant achievements in the development of a team of academic fellows, helping them with his valuable experience in their professional development and scientific careers. Prof. Todorov was known for his intensive international activities through building fruitful cooperation with prominent researchers in entrepreneurship from leading European and American universities. His international acknowledgement has been expressed in numerous invitations as a partner and national leader of research and educational projects, invited keynote speaker at prestigious forums in the US, UK, Switzerland, Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Brazil, Brunei, publications in prestigious British and American publishing houses and international journals. The professional recognition of the international entrepreneurship conference established by him is growing. The last such conference held for the tenth time in 2019 gathered scholars, researchers, practitioners and consultants from 23 countries from four continents.


We will remember him as a leader, bursting with energy, seeking opportunities, offering ideas and solutions, able to attract people needed for their realization, confidently defending his views and getting together like-minded persons.


The academic achievements of Prof. Kiril Todorov will serve not only as an example, but also oblige us to make the needed efforts for their preservation and further development.


A deep bow to his cause!


From the team of the Institute of Entrepreneurship at UNWE

and Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship

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